The Time Period Required for Products to be Shipped to the USA

If you are looking for the right people that can transport your package from China to the USA, then you have come to the right place as we will tell you about all the people who can help to ship your package from China to the USA that to within a small time period.

The correct person to trust might be FBA freight forwarderas these are the people who are very experienced in the field of sending a package from different locations, and also they have various methods which they can use to transport your product, but they will take some charge for themselves.

One more thing that people usually worry about is the amount of money which it will take for the product to be delivered from the pickup point to the method in which your products are going to be shipped to as they think that the forwarders might take more money.

Amazon freight brokerageis usually very low as these people have been working in this field for a long time, and also they know all the things and the prices which are required for the goods to be taken from the pickup address and then by using their reputation they will transport your products that too at a cheaper rate.

If you are new to this field that is looking for the correct person to transport all your goods is that you can search the internet or you can either use a local person in China who is your contact to find out about different forwarders who will help you to deliver your products to wherever you want.

Time is taken for the package to reach the final destination

Many people might have this common question of how much time will it take for the package to reach the final destination. The answer is very simple as you can calculate the time period depending upon the method of shipping your products.

There are usually four ways in which people transport their package, and these are namely normal post, express post, air freight and sea freight.

The usually used method is regular post and sea freight, but the time it takes from the regular post is something around 1 to 2 weeks.

The time it takes from sea freight usually takes time of something around 30 – 40 days, and if you choose the option of the express post, then it will take a time period of total 3 to 4 days depending upon the way which is used by the post company.

The main and the last way is air freight, and this type is not usually used by people as they take a lot of money to just transport your package from one location to other and that too if you have more weight the price will also be high, so no one prefers the option of air freight as it is most expensive.

The time which it normally takes your package from air freight to reach the USA from China is 8 – 10 days as the plane directly does not leave from China and lands at the USA, but it stops in the way for refuelling and also for checking the condition of all the package which they are taking with them.

We will now learn about the time taken by all these methods in a more detailed way.

  • Regular post

The method of using the roadway for picking up your package and then using any method is usually taking more time as if you give the job to forwarder then they will either use the method of airmail and express mail service (EMS).

The customs department at the US will remove your parcel if they find that something is wrong with your paperwork so expect a time period of 1 – 2 week.

  • Express shipping

While shipping from China, you should expect at least 3 – 4 days’ time as it will take time for your parcel to be picked up from your home or shop then sent to be transported.

  • Air freight

This will take a time of 8 – 10 days as your package will leave from China in a plane and then it will take time for the plane to finally reach the USA and then you will have to wait for the customs department o clear your package and then only you can take it to the FBA centre in the USA.


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